Telehealth Providers specialized in testing &
Telehealth Visits & Expert Consultations
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HSA & FSA accepted
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New York
Common Side Effects & Symptoms that we can treat
Allergic drug reactions
Appetite decreased
Blood in urine or stool
Breast pain
Bladder problems
Bleeding problems
Bruising problems
Breathing problems
Blood clots
Blood in urine or stool
Bone pain
Breast pain Chemo Brain
Chemo brain
Cough/Cold - flu-like symptom
Coughing blood
Confusion, memory loss
Cold sensitivity
Dry mouth
Difficulty swallowing
Dry eye syndrome problems
Fatigue/feeling faint
Flushed skin
Hair loss
Headaches (mild, severe, thunderclap)
Hemorrhoids (internal & external)
High blood pressure
Injection site reactions
Common Side Effects & Symptoms that we can treat
Bone pain
Chemo Brain
Infection, urinary tract
Infusion related reactions
Joint pain
Low Blood count
Low blood pressure
Lung problems
Memory loss
Metallic and taste change
Nail changes, discoloration
Nose bleeds
PiCC line, PORT issues
Rash, skin reactions
Rectal bleeding
Pain, peeling, redness palms soles
Swelling face, legs, arms
Trouble sleeping
Vaginal bleeding
Vaginal infection
Vomiting with or without blood
Weight loss
Common cancer diagnosis for which we help manage symptoms
Breast cancer
Blood cancers
Colorectal cancer
Lung cancer
Prostate cancer
Rectal cancer
Brain tumors mets
Brain Tumors (1 primary
Breast cancer ( germ-line testing/counseling available)
CNS central nervous system Lymphoma
Cervical cancer
Colon Cancer
Kidney cancer
Lung cancer
Multiple Myeloma
Mouth cancer
Transplant( auto/allo)
Throat cancer
Ovarian cancer
Pancreatic cancer
Prostate cancer
Rectal cancer
Skin cancer
Squamous cell carcinoma
Stomach ( gastric cancer)
Testicular cancer ( germ cell)
Uterine ( endometrial cancer
Plus more...
"Facing a cancer diagnosis can leave patients and their families confused, scared, angry and sad, finding a reliable answer its not easy.
Our mission is to enhance the quality of life and empower patients with the knowledge they need during this critical time leading them to NED (No Evidence of Disease)".
Sara Ecoro, NPC
Our Mission
Our mission is to enhance the quality of life and empower patients with the knowledge they need during this critical time leading them to NED (No Evidence of Disease).
Who we are
APP TeleHealth Services: We are a team of Advanced Practice Providers (APPs), including Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and Physician Assistants (PAs), who are highly skilled in Cancer care and its treatment side effects, and symptom management. Genetic testing, Integrative and functional health, as well as routine Common Illness.
What we do
We offer expert telehealth services focused on managing cancer symptoms and the side effects of chemo-immunotherapy. Our services include:
a) Educating and guiding patients through active cancer treatment, including chemotherapy.
b) Helping patients understand and manage their cancer symptoms and side effects.
c) Answering questions from patients, healthcare professionals, family, and friends.
Clinical Observation
We find that effective symptom management during anticancer therapies, along with ongoing education for patients and care-partners on reporting any changes in health, is essential for preventing complications during treatment.
Consult or Talk to a cancer specialist NP/PA
Consult, or talk to our cancer care specialists—Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants—about managing physical challenges of cancer, including pain, fatigue, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, and poor appetite.
tele-Health providers cancer care Services
Personalized symptom management plans
Tailored to each individual based on your type of cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Common types of cancer diagnosis that we help manage symptoms
Whether you're newly diagnosed or seeking a different perspective .
Symptom Management of Infusion treatments
Common Anti cancer Treatment side effects that we can HELP manage.
Special Line Assessment PICC/PORT/Feeding Tubes
Our Team will evaluate and assess any special lines placement complications, including body-onpro injections malfunction.
Do you need to see a Licensed Healthcare Professional Now? Book an appointment with our Experienced advanced clinicians NPs/PAs.
Functional Labs Testing & Interpretation for Healthy Individuals 30-100 yrs old, and Symptom Free
Uncover the Full Picture of Your Health. Don’t risk living with undetected chronic conditions.
e-Rx: easily request prescription REFILLS
To request your prescriptions only in: AZ, CA, FL, NY, OR, WA, fill out the Message Visit Form, include any drug allergies to help expedite the Rx process.
Testimonials From Patients
Hear directly from our patients about their experiences at our clinic. These testimonials reflect the personal touch, medical expertise, and compassionate care that form the foundation of our healthcare Services.
My father was unsure if his body On-pro injection had activated. While waiting for a doctor's call. The Nurse Practitioner quickly assessed the situation via video call and provided an immediate solution.
I love the convenience and virtual concierge approach, plus ease of test results explanation.
My experience at APP cancer care services was exceptional. I had a bit of a problem with the video , we quickly switched to audio. The Nurse Practitioner was very thorough, welcoming, and I felt heard, cared for every step of the way.
My tests reports were explained better than what I got at the doc’s office. Glad I reached out!
I had a Cat Scan ordered by my main oncologist, the doctor went on vacation. I am glad I contacted APP cancer care services, the NP was able to explain the results of the imaging reports. Although I had to book a 30 minute time slot. It was time well spent, as I felt better and calmed afterwards.
The worst nausea after the first chemo, my mom and I were so confused. I was giving her the wrong antinausea medication. The NP was very patient, asked very good questions, and provided tremendous tips to manage this. I am very happy we found her, and we will be using APP cancer care services with no hesitation.
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Tele-health providers treatment types
Each patient receives a personalized care plan, crafted to address their unique health challenges and goals.
Common Anti Cancer Treatment Side effects that we Help manage
General: fatigue, weakness, confusion, delirium Scalp/Skin: rash, infection, skin cellulitis, itchiness, alopecia Mouth: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, anorexia.
Common Types of Cancer Treatments
Common Types of Cancer Treatment and Infusions.
Diagnóstico por imágenes
Utilizar técnicas de diagnóstico por imágenes, como radiografías o ultrasonidos, para diagnosticar y evaluar con precisión diversas afecciones médicas.
Exámenes de sangre
Realizar una variedad de análisis de sangre para monitorear los indicadores de salud, esenciales para la detección temprana y el manejo de enfermedades.
Tratamiento de enf. agudas
Tratamiento inmediato de afecciones médicas agudas, como infecciones o reacciones alérgicas, que alivie y prevenga complicaciones.
Rehabilitación para ictus
Brindamos servicios de rehabilitación en profundidad para accidentes cerebrovasculares centrados en la recuperación física, la mejora de la movilidad y la terapia del habla.
Cuidado de heridas
Atención especializada de lesiones leves, como cortes, abrasiones y quemaduras, garantizando una curación adecuada y la prevención de infecciones.
Migraña y dolor de cabeza
Especializado en el tratamiento de migrañas y dolores de cabeza, ofrece una atención integral desde el diagnóstico hasta el avanzado.
Exámenes de mamas
Pruebas de detección periódicas para la detección temprana del cáncer de mama y de cuello uterino, vitales para aumentar las probabilidades de éxito del tratamiento.
Visitas de control para niños
Visitas periódicas de control para monitorear y rastrear el crecimiento y el desarrollo del niño, a fin de garantizar que esté cumpliendo con los hitos del desarrollo.
Cuidado prenatal
Brindar a las mujeres embarazadas una atención prenatal integral y consistente, que incluya chequeos y exámenes periódicos.
Vacunas infantiles
Administrar vacunas vitales a los niños a las edades apropiadas para protegerlos contra diversas enfermedades infecciosas.
Afecciones crónicas
Planes de atención personalizados y continuos para controlar las enfermedades crónicas, garantizar un tratamiento eficaz y una mejor calidad de vida.
Exámenes físicos de rutina
Exámenes físicos anuales exhaustivos para evaluar su estado general de salud e identificar de manera temprana cualquier posible problema de salud.
About us